Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Holy Stone of Clonrichert

Yeah, sorry about that Father Ted tangent, there, on today's show. It's just not that often that you hear the phrase, "an ecumenical matter," so I immediately think of Father Jack whenever I see the title of the Loose Fur song we played. I wasn't going to tell the whole thing on the air, but Matthew brought it up so I ran with it.

Today's show was a really nice blend of Matthew's tastes and mine. Even though we both like all of the music we play, some shows tend to lean a little more towards what he likes and others display my aesthetics more, but this one was a good mix of both of our styles. I hope you enjoyed it!

I want to apologize for not having some of the podcasts up yet. We ran out of room on our podcasting account and had to purchase more space, so we spent some time investigating whether we would stay with the service we've been using or switch to something new. We've got it all sorted out now, so all 7 shows should be up within the next couple of days.

Thanks for listening!

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